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Meet the Open Texas Committee Members: Elizabeth Speer (Promotion & Assessment)

Ashley Morrison

Elizabeth Speer, Electronic Resources & Acquisitions Librarian, UNTHSC 2022

Name: Elizabeth Speer

Preferred pronouns: she/her

Where do you work?

UNT Health Science Center

What do you do there?

Electronic Resources & Acquisitions Librarian

Where did you go to school?

I completed my undergraduate education and M.Ed at Tarleton State University and my MLS at Texas Woman’s University.

Where is your hometown?

I was a military brat which means I lived all over the world. But Aviano, Italy is the place I loved the longest growing up. I currently live in Gordon, Texas.

What might someone be surprised to know about you?

I love 80s rock music and attend as many concerts as I can.

How did you get involved with the Open Texas Conference?

I was invited to participate on the conference planning committee. I have previously served on the OEN Summit 2021 planning committee and am a member of the SPARC Open Leadership program for this year. Open Texas just felt like a great fit.

What do you find most challenging about coordinating the Open Texas Conference?

Working with multiple groups is always a bit of a challenge. But this conference is really well organized with everyone’s roles being well thought out and communicated.

What do you wish other people knew about the Open Texas Conference?

I am new to Open Texas, so I think I just wish that people who may not regularly deal with open resources were more aware. This conference is for everyone, not just those with designated open duties assigned to them.

What would you tell someone who is thinking about presenting or attending Open Texas?

Go for it! Quality presentations are always needed. And if you are not ready for that then please attend to see what Open Texas is all about.

What are your professional goals for the next five years?

Wow, you know, I really do not try to plan that far ahead. Every time I think I know where my career is heading a new opportunity comes along that changes my trajectory. If you had asked me while I was working towards my degree I would have told you I would be an education librarian. But life shifted me to electronic resource management, copyright, and open education. So, for now I am learning everything I can and evaluating opportunities as they present themselves.


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